By joining forces, we increase our impact on internationalisation in Vocational Education and Training. Learning from and with each other helps us to develop innovative and effective internationalisation policies and activities for our schools. Working together and learning from good practices does also in general accellerate innovations in our VET institutions.
We are part of a global society with an increasing variety of nationalities and cultures living
together. For the future a further rise in the international mobility of people is expected. A clear international dimension should be present in all parts of vocational training: in the curricula and learning programs of our students, in our staff development programs and in our innovation plans.
We want to strenghten the international activities of the Dutch Alliance members through the use of the highest quality standars. We support the members of our network through joint
training programs for staff and through joint international projects. For organisations from other countries, the Dutch Alliance wants to be a first choice partner of the highest value.
The Dutch Alliance cooperates also with networks of VET institutes in other countries. We are proud member of the Network of Networks https://partnersin.vet/